Kindness Always Wins

I started Thunder Love Apparel back in 2018. Our main slogan was “Conduct Kindness”. I also began creating videos and posts about how we should all be kind to one another, put kindness first, and really share the joy of happiness with everyone around you. 

There was only one problem with that entire idea – I didn’t follow it. 

Once COVID hit, I shut down Thunder Love Apparel and started promoting a new personal brand based on the segregation and total chaos that the pandemic brought.

My slogan was “None of you deserve kindness since we’re all hating each other for our beliefs and values regarding the virus.” 

Instead of continuing the brand that was a safe space for so many, I added to the hate and disarray. 

Well, now I’m back. After three rounds of therapy, an abundance of self-care, and 4 years of surrounding myself with the right people, I am back. 

I am self-aware of what I’ve done, what I’ve caused, why I did what I did, and took the necessary steps to improve myself, and deal with my own internal struggles. 

I now want to share my beliefs on kindness, and follow the morals and values that I was once preaching. 

There are tons of benefits of being Kind. Here are a few: 

Kindness forms the foundation of positive relationships.

Kindness enhances communication by promoting empathy and understanding.

Being kind not only benefits others but also positively impacts your own well-being.

When you prioritize kindness and treat others well, it often inspires them to reciprocate your gestures. 

When people feel valued, supported, and appreciated, they are more motivated to give their best effort.

As I re-visit this journey, and reconstruct my brand, I want to be held accountable. This time, I want someone to message if (and it’s a BIG if) I de-rail again. Hold me accountable. We need more leaders to create a space of kindness, and I want to be one of them. Make sure I stay on track.

Be MY guiding light, and let’s do good together. 

Kindness always wins. 

#kindness #motivation #personalgrowth #happiness #success